Thursday 9 December 2010

Existing Magazine Photos

 In order for us to create a successful magazine front cover it is important that the image we used on the front were affective and followed the codes and conventions of existing magazine front covers. After analysing magazine front covers we could then specifically put some focus onto the images that were used and how they were used in particular ways.

Both of the magazine front covers on the left have very similar types of images. For example the What's On TV magazine uses one singular large image with a number of smaller ones placed around the edges. Quite similary the TV Times magazine has one main feature article photo in the centre of the cover, but differently it only has a couple of images around the edge supporting this main image.

Both of these TV listings magazines are quite different in the way in which they try to appeal to their intended target audience. The image that is used on the Whats On TV magazine is a singular image of one of the actress's from Eastenders. Whereas the TV Times image is of two characters from the Soap. Usually the image that is featured on the front of a TV Listings magazine is one which is involving the characters that are in the main article situated inside the magazine. Using their image on the front cover is a way of promoting what is inside the magazine. Also by using the characters on the front it is enticing the target audience towards this magazine.

Thursday 25 November 2010

Like all exisiting TV Listings magazines it is important that we create an affective logo that is aimed at our particular target audience and intices them in an appropriate way. In order for this to work its important that we analyse a few examples of existing magazine logos so therefore our own is creative and realistic in the way it looks. The logo of the magazine needs to be something that is suitable to our particular target audience, although we also need to makesure that the logo follows the codes and conventions of logos on existing magazines.

The logo on the left is taken from the TV Times magazine. The TV Times magazine logo is of large bold font because of the way in which the creators of the magazine wanted it to stand out to its intended target audience. The colours which are used include only red and white. The creator of the magazine has only used two colours for specific reasons. Both of the colours red and white are interlinked and being interlinked means that they share similar values. For example the colour red connotes to 'hot' and 'stop', its the colour of warning and danger therefore meaning that it will bring the magazine to the attention of the audience. The reader of the magazine will not see the purpose as to why both red and white have been specifically chosen but it is something that contiously the creator knows that there is a purpose to putting everything on a magazine. The colour red is also a primary colour and therefore it makes it exciting and more easily recognised. By using a bright primary colour rather than a dull colour such as black or navy blue it gives the impression to the reader that everything in the magazine is going to be 'hot' and new meaning that the magazine will grab there attention and they will stop to take to have a browse.
The lettering on the TV Times is presented in an italic way. This gives the magazine a more slick look. The way in which it is slanted creates the impression that it has something to do with speed. As when something is moving fast it uses a slanted motion with speed lines. This shows that the magazine TV Times is fast and fresh with its TV information and therfore the italic writing gives it and edgy and modern speed related affect.

The logo on the left is another logo taken from an existing TV Listings magazine. What's on TV is another TV lisitings magazine that we have chosen to analyse. Compared to the TV Times magazine logo this logo for What's On Tv has been created in a different way. For example they have used three colours rather than just the two. They have not only used the white and red . With the red also connoting to be representing 'hot' and 'stop'. Also rather than using the red on the actual font they have used it as a background to the lettering. This is affective in the way in which having a dark background with a bright white layered on top gives it a more embossed and standing out type of feel. The white over the top of the red shouts out to the intended audience in a way in which its trying to intice them without being to in your face. Also like in the TV Times logo they have made the font two different sizes. This seems to be a key convention throughout TV listings magazines

Friday 15 October 2010

Listings Research: TV Times

When looking into the various different types of magazine available, we eventually discovered TV Times, another British listings magazine that is similar in many respects to that of What's on TV, in the sense that it makes use of the typical codes and conventions reprensented via listings magazines.
Although the listings magazine is displaying a different subject to What's on TV, for instance it's displaying Strictly Come Dancing rather than a soap, as likewise both have similar levels of popularity, it still grabs the audience's attention.

When creating our listings magazine, we will effectively switch over the role between the Strictly Come Dancing image, and that of our Soap (The Cross). This will emphasize the fact that the The Cross is what is being advertised rather than that of other programmes. Of course though, other programmes will still need to be featured as although the primary purpose is to advertise The Cross, in order to follow Codes and Conventions of listings magazines, we will need to feature separate articles. This will likely be the most difficult part of the process, as replicating effective immagery in this style is something of a proffesion, however it is indeed something that we will have to do well in order for the listings cover to not only fit in with standard Codes and Conventions, but also to create an image worthy of being within our media portfolio. 

In terms of the layout, and attractiveness, the listings cover makes use of a standard layout following typical Codes and Conventions. For instance, at the top of the image is the masthead in brightly lit red to create a stand out effect, that allows the audience to know what he magazine is, and for that matter the title that it has been given. The title itself, although relatively bland and dull, fufills its primary intent of giving a name of the listings magazine, and attracting the intended audience.

Listings Research: What's On TV?

A major part of our Portfolio is of course the creation of a TV listings front cover featuring our Soap. In order to create an accurate portrayal of a Front Cover that features all the neccesary Codes and Conventions it was important for us to research various TV listings magazines in order to decide what would be the most appropriate layout for our own listings cover.

On the left is an image of 'What's on TV' a popular listings magazine that gives information effectively on the scheduled shows for that week, featuring various interviews and details that our designed for the audience to consume.
In termsof layout of the page, the listing cover focuses heavily upon the Soap EastEnders. This is because of the fact that EastEnders is one of the most watched shows in the United Kingdom. It would be futile to show an image of a Programme that wasn't overly popular, as people effectively wouldn't see the use of reading an article in the magazine on a programme that they're likely to not be interested in.  As a result of this, it is imperrative that we create a Soap that looks appealing, and for that matter; one that is appealing in a listings form. For instance, the story line concerning the week that this What's on TV deals with has the main story of Stacey's pregnancy involved. Likewise, it will be neccesary for us to select a particular story from our Storyboard that we believe will attract our chosen audience, and then effectively advertise it on the front of a listings page.

As you can see on the image, the main story of the week has the main character featured; Stacey. She is facing directly towards the audience to create the effect of her looking at you. Although this may seem to be slightly odd to an extent, psychologically it makes the audience feel that they are directly involved with the character and as such want to be apart of their story, and as a result will then watch the programme. During the creation of our soap, we will use this code and convention in an attempt to create a similar effect.